Bird Silo


Bird Silo

A bird feeder for the modern yard.

Made from 100% recycled plastic. Even the rope is 100% recycled.

Helsinki-based bird enthusiasts Mika & Julie Tolvanen designed Bird Silo, the debut product for Pidät. They studied the eating habits of birds for several years by feeding them from prototypes at their dining room window (while eating their own breakfast): “We wanted to design a functional sculpture. We also thought Bird Silo should be a bird feeder whose impact on nature is just feeding the birds.”

Designed to function like a grain silo.

You lift the top cone, pour in sunflower seeds or peanuts, and the feeder fills from the bottom up.



  • 100% recycled polypropylene bird feeder trays and cap

  • 100% recycled P.E.T. polyester rope

  • Stainless steel hardware

Size. Ø177mm x 230mm (Ø7” x 9”)

Replacement parts. CLICK HERE to request parts, and we’ll be in touch!

Shipping. We can ship to most countries within Europe. If yours isn’t on the list, we apologize!

CLICK HERE for a list of retail and online shops around the world that sell our products.



CAMP GREEN in stock

SLATE sold out at the moment (they’ll be back in the autumn)

Bird Silo
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Which birds will visit?

Bird Silo is a specialty feeder designed to feed birds who like to cling vertically while eating. Common diners include Chickadees, Blue Tits, Titmice, Nuthatches, Finches, & Woodpeckers.


Design for a circular economy.

The feeder is designed for easy assembly and disassembly. All the parts can be separated and recycled - starting the circle of reuse again. It wouldn’t make sense to deliver our 100% recycled plastic bird feeder in a single-use plastic package, so we designed a box that is folded entirely from cardboard. It requires no glue, so it’s easy to unfold.  



SUNFLOWER SEEDS or PEANUTS. We suggest serving sunflower seeds with the shell still on. especially in rainy or humid weather, as this protects the sunflower hearts from moisture.

Feeder care and bird hygiene.

Hand wash Bird Silo with soap and warm water and replace food often, especially during wet or humid weather to avoid bacteria that might harm your feathered guests. In wet weather, it is recommended to fill bird feeders with only enough food that will be consumed in a couple days.

Please note: Millet & other grains common in some store bought mixes are not recommended for Bird Silo because the clinging songbirds that visit this type of feeder do not eat millet. These grains will remain in the feeder, uneaten, and can collect moisture.


The Designers.

Mika & Julie design products from Studio Tolvanen on the island of Lauttasaari in Helsinki (hobbies include birdwatching & kayaking).

Studio Tolvanen has collaborated with international brands such as Muuto, Design Within Reach, Verges, Teknion, Fontana Arte, Zanotta, Frag, Woud, Inno, NakNak, Isku & Blå Station.